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Mit „Adventure“ getaggte Bounds

Robin Kuusamo
von Room Escape Running Rabbit
Robin on perheiden oma ulkopakopeli, joka pelataan Kuusamon Tropiikin alueella ulkona liikkuen ja pakopelimäisiä pulmia ratkoen. Pelissä tarvitset luku- ja kirjoitustaitoa. Peli sisältää fyysisiä elementtejä pelialueella ja pelaajaryhmä vastaa osaltaan, että elementit ovat kunnossa, ehjiä ja lukittuja pelin jälkeenkin. Pelin kesto on noin 1-1.5h, eikä pelissä ole juoksevaa kelloa. Ongelmatilanteessa ota yhteyttä valvovaan pelinvetäjään : Hanna / 0413635924
Kids, family, mystery, adventure, outdoorescape
La Alameda el Juego - castellano
von dpunked
Un juego para descubrir el pueblo de La Alameda y sus esculturas.
Art, Sculptures, Discovery, Hunt, Adventure
LOST ARTIFACT (Treasure hunt 2.0)
von KoreanClubIUB
Rumor has it the first king of gambling used to always roll the great pair of dice for his games. Little did people know it is also the means to the world's greatest treasure. Find the lost dice, the key to the treasure hidden in Rome.
Adventure, IUBKCLUB, Treasurehunt2.0
Hopping To 27
von Joao Charrua
Era uma vez uma preciosa Bunny nascida no Reino dos Bunnies. Como todas as bunnies, a Bunny gostava de passar os seus dias a saltar por aí, em busca de cenouras e novos amigos. Mas existem dias diferentes. Especiais. Hoje é um deles. No dia de hoje, a Bunny irá sair em busca de uma aventura como nunca teve antes. Encontrará desafios, delícias e amigos, mas também perigos. Será uma aventura de muitos saltos. Saltando até aos seus 27.
Birthday, Adventure, Prizes
1stb innlevering, Pia P, Anna, Famke, Tregrense
von piapharo00
Normenn er født med trær i hagen
#fun, #tre, #naturfag, #adventure, #lovenaturfag
Mission Control
von zzwiebel
alessio, space, adventure
Waconia Adventure & Scavenger Hunt
von toddanber
We made this adventure as an opportunity for all youth and families in Carver County to get out and about and have some active and safe fun in the community during the current restrictions. We hope this is an opportunity to learn about our community, some of its citizens, and its history while having fun with your family. We encourage you and your family to enjoy some time away from on-line meetings, to learn something new about yourselves, and to grow in knowledge and in compassion for each...
Waconia, Minnesota, Adventure, Scavenger Hunt
The Mystery of the abominable Curse
von LavernaV
This morning an owl appears at your window, delivering a secret message of great importancy. Your colleague Auror and lifelong friend 'D' sends you out on a mission to find the Death Eater who's been responsible for putting an abominable curse on those who aren't purebloods. Just a small, but crucial part of the Dark Lords plan. Will you be in time to stop this Death Eater? Or is the Wizarding World lost forever? Everyones faith is in your hands! Bound your skills and knowledge to finish this...
#fantasy, #harrypotter, #adventure, #denhaag, #escapegame
Sateenkaari-kissa ja kadonneet värit
von arhi christensen
Huima seikkailu odottaa! Sateenkaarikissan värit ovat hävinneet ja hän tarvitsee kipeästi apuanne. Kootkaa joukkonne ja ottakaa mukaan kaikki hoksottimet, vikkelät jalat sekä rohkeutenne, ja suunnatkaa kohti vaativia tehtäviä, ja odottamattomia käänteitä.
Party, mystery, game, adventure, kids
Flint Hills Roundup
von BackroadsTouringKansas
Backroads Touring Kansas Flint Hills Roundup! Backroads Touring Kansas is a group of like-minded riders enjoying the backroads of Kansas. We are a no-money-involved organization and our events are free to attend.
ADV, Dual Sport, Adventure
Patruci's Costa Rican Adventure
von Lopez_crespo
Pantuqui tus buenas obras te han otorgado una segunda vuelvas a desaprovecharla.
Patruci's, Costa Rican, Adventure
© Angel Wu
Governors Island Scavenger Hunt Tour
von Angel Wu
There's such a place... You can make a day trip from New York City. Cost from $0. Natural, peaceful, historical and artistic... Cool outdoor adventure available! Want to come? Start your scavenger hunts here! Come explore the last frontier of New York City!
New York, Governors island, Family fun, outdoor, adventure
Second Quest
von bickel615
Adventure, Quest, Denver
von katicardi
Happy Birthday JD! Time for some adventure!
JD, Birthday, Happy Birthday, Adventure
Green City Rebels
von melakko
The Hong Kong summer heat keeps everyone locked in at home or the office. Even the Green City Rebels, the local cicadas usually bursting with revolutionary energy, are hanging low. Or is that just a cover up?
Hong Kong, Urban Adventure, Cicadas, free WiFi