Mit „Mathematics“ getaggte Bounds

© OŠ Radlje ob Dravi
ND MERJENJE 7.razred
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Naravoslovni dan merjenje OŠ Radlje ob Dravi
Mathematics, Math

Knots, round trips and the sausage catastrophe – unsolved problems in mathematic
von Technische Sammlungen Dresden
One might think that everything is already clear in mathematics. But quite the opposite: There are a large number of problems that have not yet been cracked even by the best mathematicians! Many problems are quite simple to understand and one wonders what could be so difficult about it. Try it out for yourself and explore some of the most beautiful and exciting unsolved problems in mathematics with this Bound.
This Bound is suitable for ages 15 and up, but younger people can try it out...
Museum, Mathematics, Technische Sammlungen, Dresden

Golden and shadowy sides of mathematics
von Technische Sammlungen Dresden
Mathematics is everywhere in our everyday lives -- you've probably already discovered that for yourself. But in fact, there are some surprising connections between everyday life and mathematics that you probably don't even know yet!
In this Bound you can experience what shadows have to do with math, how mathematical laws can be used to detect data falsification, what soap skins have to do with architecture, and much more.
You should plan about 45 minutes for this Bound. If you're still curious...
Mathematics, Science Center, Exhibition, Dresden, Technische Sammlungen

Maths makes music
von Technische Sammlungen Dresden
Why do some notes sound good together while others do not? How can it be that different scales produce completely different listening experiences? You can get to the bottom of these and other exciting questions in a playful way with this Bound in the Mathematics Adventure Land and experience how music and mathematics are connected.
This Bound is suitable for ages 12 and up. If you have headphones with you, you can use them, but you can also do it without.
You should plan up to 45 minutes for...
Museum, Mathematics, Music

© OŠ Radlje ob Dravi
ND Merjenje
von supermedo
Naravoslovni dan merjenje OŠ Radlje ob Dravi
Mathematics, Math