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How to promote your Bound successfully: our tips for more players and fun!

Creating a Bound is just the beginning. If you want it to be played often and inspire your players, there are a few points to consider - after all, you want the world to know how much passion and energy you have put into the end result 🙂

Here are some helpful tips to promote your Bound in the best possible way:

Quality of your Bound:The key to success lies in the quality of the content. Make sure that your Bound is appealing, informative and entertaining.

Understand your target group: Engaging with your target group is crucial. Tailor your Bound to the needs and interests of your target group, because the better you know them, the better you can target them.

Creative titles and clear descriptions: Use catchy titles that arouse curiosity and precise descriptions that convey the content of your Bound. Creative and memorable names are an added bonus.

Visual appeal: Use appealing graphics and a user-friendly design to attract the attention of potential players. A visually appealing design is crucial.

Social media promotion: Share your Bound on the social platforms that your target group frequently visits. Use relevant hashtags and keywords and link to the Bound-page on the Actionbound website.

Email marketing: Send a newsletter to your customers or multipliers in your network to make them aware of your Bound.

Cooperations: Collaborations with influencers or other companies can significantly increase the visibility of your Bound and reach a wider audience.

Targeted advertising: Place targeted adverts on blogs, in magazines or regional media to directly address potential players. Invest in online adverts or flyers if you have the budget for it.

Landing pages: Create your own landing page on which your Bound is presented in detail and the start-QR code is displayed. Interested parties will find all the information they need here.

Customer reviews and recommendations: Ask participants for reviews and share them on social media or your website to gain the trust of potential participants. Satisfied players are often the best ambassadors.

Use feedback from participants: Collect feedback from players and use it to continuously improve your Bound. Players' needs can change, so stay flexible.

Time-limited actions: Announce when Bounds are only available for a limited time or when this makes sense in terms of content, e.g. in relation to seasons.

Community building: Create a community or forum where players can exchange ideas. The opportunity to exchange ideas promotes loyalty and interest.

Create incentives: Offer a prize for completing your Bound. This prize can of course be completely customised.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Bound gets the attention it deserves 🙂 Plus, we're always excited to hear about your success. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and become one of our testimonials!


von Sabrina Haja | | actionbound marketing bound marketing advertisement promotion